Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Waiting and Preparing for Peace

For each of the Sundays of advent, MJ and Jerry have invited a different family to their Oasis home to help them light the advent candles. Because advent is a season of waiting and preparing, these Sunday gatherings are spent in the spirit of waiting and preparing for peace. This past Sunday, the Gunn family joined MJ and Jerry to rejoice for Gaudete Sunday! The Gunns brought their two newest joys, two little boys who are temporarily staying with them until they find a permanent foster home. The entire group enjoyed putting together a peace train in the Mother Theresa room and playing and learning in the MLK library. They also made use of the library for sharing in a peace circle and lighting the advent calendar for joy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Family Peace Building

This weekend, the Oasis welcomed another family for respite and learning in nature. MJ led the family in some communication exercises and discussions of ways to become more connected and at peace with each other. In addition to relating, the family also enjoyed recreating with each other as they did some hiking and swinging on the vine. The family’s Grandmother provided some feedback on their experience, saying it was “quite powerful for me and for us as a family.” She continued that “Going to the Oasis is a wonderful avenue” for growing and “expanding our knowledge and skills.” We are delighted to share the healing qualities of nature and the powerful practices of peace with all who visit the Oasis.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Family Peace Time at the Oasis

On Sunday, the Welch family joined the Park family at the Peace Oasis for a Family Advent Workshop. The family friends shared a meal together and then divided into groups, each preparing in different ways for the season of Advent into Christmas. Some made bird feeders out of pine cones collected in the forest, while others transformed the pine cones into Christmas decorations. They also played cooperative games and went swinging on the vine in the forest. The day ended with a Peace Circle and sharing of things they could do to help themselves and others as they prepare for Christmas. It was a day of real peacemaking and community building.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fransiscan Visitors

Earlier this week, we welcomed the Franciscan Mission Service Group to our Oasis home. This group led by Sister Elizabeth, OSF from Omaha enjoyed the spiritual nurturing in nature. They said the 3-day experience inspired, enriched, and prepared them for their upcoming 3-year mission trip to Bolivia. We wish them well on their continuing adventures!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Building the Beloved Community

Seeking Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision for a Beloved Community, committed, longtime peace activists joined with younger peacemakers for a day of reading about, discussing, and reflecting on this important vision for peace. It was a fruitful and moving conversation enjoyed over homemade soup and corn bread by Timmy. The second half of the day was spent planning a Maryland United for Peace and Justice conference on the same topic to be held in the spring. Stay tuned for more details on how you can be a part of this conference and join the movement to build the Beloved Community.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Peace Starts at Home

This weekend, we shared peace with families who came to our wilderness home to play, be together, and to connect with each other and nature. After circling up we enjoyed several fun activities including cooperative games, the parachute, and arts and crafts. Then we relaxed, some of the children on the hammock listening to the wind and nearby birds and the rest of us conversing on the deck surrounded by the beauty of the fall foliage. A highlight of the day was a nature walk through the nearby forest to the vine swing. Thanks to Timmy, we also enjoyed some tasty treats to round out the day of sharing peace.